WPD64 - Wooden Pixel Display 64
[ Analog x Digital ]
Personal project. Analog wooden blocks (1.5"x1.5"x3" each) as digital pixels. 64 wood pixels in 8x8 make a form. One pixel might make you bored but it gives you something interesting when pixels make a form together. This WPD64 has been presented at a generative art show in NYC recently.
- Invented by Han Lee
- Music 'Pixels' by Han Lee : soundcloud.com/han-lee/pixels
Contact me if you are intersted in WPD64 and want me to show this up at your event.

The first prototype
Second prototype : Each block is 2 times bigger than the block the first prototype has.

Some more photos : http://www.flickr.com/photos/xoundbox/sets/72157635977898485/